One of the greatest things about our programs for parents is the flexibility when it comes to your daily schedule. We understand that every parents schedule is already hectic enough, so that’s why we’ve carefully developed our programs to allow parents to introduce our amazing program to your little ones in a way that works best for your schedule.

Check out our options below and get involved in the program that works best for your family!


Our weekly preschool ShiningStars classes are only 30 minutes and take place at your child’s preschool or early training center only once a week, during the day while you work. These will not interfere with their classroom learning time. These sessions will include highly structured Drama activities and games followed by rehearsals for our live production we put on several times a year. 

During each and every class, we make sure that every child is having a fantastic time while also developing essential life skills along the way.

These classes are constantly building on each other, and working towards our big idea every month. Each class will incorporate fun confidence building activities, games and rehearsals.  Several times a year, the children perform in a live evening or weekend production that family and friends are invited to attend. The children work together to create the program backdrop, costumes and of course also star in the show! 

REC Center Year Round CLASSES & Camps

Each 6 week session builds confidence in your child, boosts communication skills and fosters creativity.

Plus, sessions will conclude with a LIVE Play Production for family and friends!

Ages: 3-10

45 minute- 1 hour sessions

5 Locations: Summerville REC, Daniel Island REC, Goose Creek REC, Mt. Pleasant REC and I’On Club